Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear Glennis,

Every time I turn around Ella is saying, "Look Mom!" I look and she is sticking her tongue out at me. Not exactly...for the past 3 days Ella has been wiggling her loose tooth with her tongue, so every time I look all I see is tongue. Well, tonight she said, "Mom, see how loose it is. Don't pull it!" So I check it out and it is ready to go. Of course as soon as I tell her to get me a tissue, she starts whining about "don't hurt me" or "it's going to hurt." Such the little drama queen. I grab a tissue and before she can even say don't, it is out. I hand it to her and she runs and puts it into the tooth fairy pillow that my grandmother made her. Then she writes Glennis (the tooth fairy) a letter and is off to bed. Sweet dreams till tomorrow when she will rush to the pillow to see if Glennis came.

Things like this make me love being a mom.

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