Friday, June 11, 2010

Santa Barbara...told by Ella

At first we had a long long drive. I watched two new movies called the Princess and the Pauper and Strawberry Shortcake Fairy Berry Tales. Then we went to the park and ate lunch. Our lunch was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with chips, cheese, and turkey and ham. When I got done eating I went to play at the park. I played a game on the slide with the other kids. When the bottom person let go we all zipped down the slide together. Then when I was done playing at the park we drove to the beach. At the beach there was a lot of lady bugs and one crawled on me. It did not come off of me until I got of the sand. A kid at the beach said there was a jelly fish in the water, but I did not see one. Then we walked on the pier and saw someone who built two mermaids out of sand. We walked farther and then I was getting tired so we got some ice cream. I got rainbow and it was mint, orange, and strawberry. Mom got cherry. Then we walked back to the car and flapped our shoes and all the sand fell out. Then we started to drive to our hotel. We saw this big sign that said blueberries. We stopped and found out we could pick the blueberries. We had a lot of fun. We filled a whole bucket full of blueberries. The are good. Our hotel was on the second floor. Our hotel looked like a windmill. Then we went to Solvang and had dinner. We went to the Little Mermaid and I had meatballs with my mom. I did not want my green beans or cabbage so I took my dad's broccoli. The meatballs were really good. We went back to the hotel room and I jumped on the bed and then it was time to go to sleep.

1 comment:

Oma said...

What was your favorite part of your vacation Bean?