Thursday, June 17, 2010

Westward Look Resort

I have been in Tucson, Arizona since Monday for a technology professional development course. So far I can't say I have learned anything new for my SmartBoard, but I have been reminded about some of the great tools which are available. I seem to be spending more of my time helping others, then working on anything of my own. One gal said I should be getting paid for all of my help...if someone wants to pay me, I won't fight it.

I have also had a lot of peace and quiet. In fact, right now I am sitting on a patio listening to birds chirping while I face the mountains. There is a slight breeze and it is a beautiful 78 degrees. It has been very nice to have some ME time to sit and think and re-energize! I even took the afternoon to drive down and see San Xavier Mission (the White Dove of the Desert) yesterday. I only missed the little side street turns twice...and that is with a GPS! I took pictures which I will post later. By Friday, my mind she be clear and I should be ready to head back to reality.

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