Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 10-11-12

Ok, so I am not with posting everyday...or even completing the projects on time.  I am trying and actually get a lot of my projects completed. 

Day 10:  Wine Cork Key Chains.  Amy gave me an entire bag of wine corks from Sarah Brown.  I just haven't done anything with them yet.  I saw this idea of using corks to make key chains and fridge magnets.  I tried cutting the corks in half for magnets...and was not successful.  I did just find a tutorial on how to soak the corks and then cut I guess I will try that on another day.  Since, the magnets didn't exactly workout, I moved on to the key chains.  I found the little hooks at the dollar store, in a container with nails, hooks, and frame hangers.  Those will come in handy for a project I have planned for Rachel's birthday.  Anyway...a bit of super glue and screwing the hooks in and attaching the loop for the keys (which I already had)...Presto!  Project cost less than $1 for the 2.

Day 11:  Measuring and cutting the fabric to turn an old $5 thrift store ottoman into something awesome!!  I found fabric that matched the pillows I had already bought from Wal-Mart. I used my 40% off coupon to get 2 yards of fabric for $35. 

Day12:  Sewing day!  First I tackled sewing my fabric to complete my ottoman project.  Thankfully, my mom had given me some sewing needles and told me what type of fabric they are used for.  I actually wrote notes on the needle package.  It paid off...I was able to figure out what needle I needed and I didn't have any issues with the tension or fabric slipping.  I started by attaching the sides to the top and then sewed up the side sem. I was sooooo happy when I slipped it on and it fit.  My measurements were a bit bigger than needed, but it works.  I turned the ottoman over and started stapling!  I love it and now I have a new ottoman for $40.

My next project was to turn a simple, boring shirt into something a bit more special.  I found this shirt at Ross for $7.  Cute and have found a bunch of outfits on Pintrest that I can create with this top.  I sewed 2 small scraps of fabric to the inside of the shirt, laced the ribbon through, bunched/ruched the fabric, and tied a bow! 

Total expenses for all 3 projects...$48.

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