Ella said we had to have our pictures taken with Jeff Gordan for daddy. I can't figure out why it keeps going sideways....and it is getting late, so I give up!
It was a warm 44 degree Sunday morning, which was 12 degrees warmer than last year. This made me SUPER happy!!! My goal was to finish under 2:15 and I did. I had a course best at 2:13:42. I could have been faster probably, but I was having fun. I sent texts to Mom and Kevin throughout the entire race, so they knew where I was. Kevin couldn't come this time, because he was tearing apart our kitchen...that is another blog entry! Then I had to stop and take a picture of a shoe on Fremont Street at mile 6.5 and upload that to Facebook. It was just too perfect that the halfway point was at a SHOE!!!
Ella and I before my 13.1 mile run.
Ella and I after my run! Still smiling!
Karolynn and I...I love that my best friend will get up early to drive across town, just to see me cross the finish line. Thanks for coming!!
My Cheerleaders!!! Thanks mom for driving me up to Vegas and cheering me on! I love the support.
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