Last night, Kevin, Ella, and I went to watch the Parade of Lights in the channel. This is the first time I have ever seen the Parade of Lights. Kevin took Ella a few years ago, but she was actually too little to remember watching it. I always seem to have something else already scheduled for this weekend and don 't get to see it. I was determined that this was the year I was going to get to see it. I even made Kevin bring home his heater from work so I would be warm. I bundled Ella and I up and packed a blanket and we were off. Only problem....we could not find a parking space at Rotary and it had already started. Kevin whipped through the London Bridge Resort parking lot and happened to find 1 lonely spot in the middle. We snagged it and rushed down to the bridge. Found ourselves a spot on a little hill with a perfect view between 2 trees. The weather was perfect so we did not even need the heater or beanies and just used the blanket to sit on. Ella loved the lights and Santa on the sleigh at the end. Thanks Kevin for taking us!

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