Koala and Gypsy...Oma made Ella's Koala costume, just like she use to make Amy and mine. And just like we use to...she fell asleep in her new pajama outfit! Me...well I literally started searching my costumes 20 minutes before the party. Since I was not feeling any love for any of the costumes I had, I threw on a bunch of stuff from my closet. YES...all of this was from my own closet..just refashioned into a gypsy costume!

A week ago Ella and I went around and put little letters in ALL of our neighbors that we would be having a party and would have 15 to 20 kids who would be trick or treating. We let them know if they left their lights on we would stop and if they turned off their lights we would just pass right on by their house. We ended up with 10-12 neighbors who helped us with our trick or treating. The kids loved running up to the houses and yelling trick or treat. I think the neighbors were just as excited as the kids. It was super fun to watch all the kids. They were so excited. Of course all of the moms and dads walked along with us...instead of bags we had solo cups!

After trick or treating we headed back to the house for the pinata and bobbing for apples. The kids love this as much as the trick or treating. It is always funny when the girls are bobbing for apples, because of their make-up and hair. This year, Zoey was the first one to ask Rylinn to hold her hair back. A few of us moms were laughing because we are already imagining them asking each other this after a night out (of course that will be when they turn 21!!!)

Halloween is done and now it is time to start thinking about the Christmas Cookie Decorating Party! Another fun and traditional time for the kids and the parents!!
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