Ok, this post is mostly for Anne. However, I am sure Amy and Mom will get a good laugh at Ella and my video debut. Good luck Anne. Call me if you need any help.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Should I or Shouldn't I????
Well, that is the question.
I am started P90X again today, and I WILL finish it before i go to Vegas with Anne for our birthdays.
So, now my question....should I post the picture i just took of myself on day 1. My plan was to take a picture every Wednesday to show my progress. I think it will motivate me to keep up with it.
Well, I guess I will take another picture next week and make a decision.
I am started P90X again today, and I WILL finish it before i go to Vegas with Anne for our birthdays.
So, now my question....should I post the picture i just took of myself on day 1. My plan was to take a picture every Wednesday to show my progress. I think it will motivate me to keep up with it.
Well, I guess I will take another picture next week and make a decision.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Royal Knights

Tonight was Ella's first game of the soccer season. She has been doing so well at practice these last couple of weeks. I think she is finally "getting it"!!!!! As she was getting ready I realized 2 things....1. CRAP her socks are white. How am I going to keep those clean all season???? 2. CRAP I forgot that she has softball cleats and not soccer cleats. Just in case you don't know...the only different between the two is that softball cleats have an extra cleat right in the front. So what does this cheap creative mom do???? I sawed off the front cleat!!! Oh yes, I did! I changed into my matching uniform top (yes, I am that soccer mom) and out the door we went. Now, we live in the desert and most of the time I will not complain about the temperature, but it is FREAKING cold outside...50s and I don't like it one bit. Ella on the other hand seems to be oblivious to the fact that it is cold outside. I had to fight with her to wear a long sleeved shirt under her uniform. Anyway, I digress. I had to bundle up in a blanket in order to watch her play. And BOY DID SHE PLAY WELL...like I said she is "getting it". She played about half of the game and SCORED 1 of her team's 2 scores!!! Yippee, she was super excited and had to call Papa, Daddy, and Nany/Nate...and text her Auntie Anne. The Royal Knights didn't win, but did a fabulous job. Next game is on Saturday.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
An Awesome No Cost gift
I love birthdays and love to give presents to my friends and family...but with the budget being tight, I have had to be creative.
I have seen a lot of subway signs in different stores and on different blogs, so I decided that I would try and make one for Amy's birthday.
I found a scrap piece of wood in the garage and spray painted it black.

Then it was time to use my scrapbooking stickers to put the saying down. When Ella and I were in Texas this summer, I found a subway sign down in Glenrose that I knew was my sister. Only problem was that they wanted $40 dollars for a distressed piece of painted wood. So I snapped a picture of it with my phone and forgot about it. The original saying said marshmallows, but Ella decided it NEEDED to be guacamole. I agree guac was a better choice!

After I got the saying where I wanted it on the board, I found some paint in Ella's arts and crafts drawers. Time to roll on the paint.

It took about 3 layers of paint...I did not try to make it perfect (this is suppose to be distressed).

Once the last layer of paint was dry it was time to start peeling off the letters. Each time I pulled off a letter I got more and more excited. I was SOOOO happy it was turning out how I imagined it to turn it!!! After I pulled off the letters I decided it needed just a little embellishment for the corners...so back to my scrapbooking stickers I went!

I have seen a lot of subway signs in different stores and on different blogs, so I decided that I would try and make one for Amy's birthday.
I found a scrap piece of wood in the garage and spray painted it black.
Then it was time to use my scrapbooking stickers to put the saying down. When Ella and I were in Texas this summer, I found a subway sign down in Glenrose that I knew was my sister. Only problem was that they wanted $40 dollars for a distressed piece of painted wood. So I snapped a picture of it with my phone and forgot about it. The original saying said marshmallows, but Ella decided it NEEDED to be guacamole. I agree guac was a better choice!
After I got the saying where I wanted it on the board, I found some paint in Ella's arts and crafts drawers. Time to roll on the paint.
It took about 3 layers of paint...I did not try to make it perfect (this is suppose to be distressed).
Once the last layer of paint was dry it was time to start peeling off the letters. Each time I pulled off a letter I got more and more excited. I was SOOOO happy it was turning out how I imagined it to turn it!!! After I pulled off the letters I decided it needed just a little embellishment for the corners...so back to my scrapbooking stickers I went!
I loved the final product and so did my sister. In fact I loved it so much I made a different one with a slightly different saying for a girlfriend for her birthday that same week. I already have plans for no cost or little cost Christmas gifts for the family!!! I love gifts.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween!
The last couple of years, Halloween has become my favorite holiday. We have bought lots of decorations and have had Ella's birthday party as a Halloween party too. This year, I was not sure if I was going to be able to pull it off...with Kevin being in Texas, I was going to have to do all the decorating and preparing on my own. A few weeks ago, I go up really early and started decorating right away...of course decorating also meant I needed to trim some trees and do some yard work...but I got it all done, and have to say i did a GOSH DARN GOOD JOB! Then it was time to start thinking about a party. No haunted house this year, but it did not matter. I let everyone I knew know I was planning a good ol' traditional Halloween with trick or treating and bobbing for apples. NO MAIN STREET CHAOS for Ella or me. Lots of our friends were excited about the party and a traditional Halloween. Everyone had a TON of fun and are already excited about next years party!!!
Koala and Gypsy...Oma made Ella's Koala costume, just like she use to make Amy and mine. And just like we use to...she fell asleep in her new pajama outfit! Me...well I literally started searching my costumes 20 minutes before the party. Since I was not feeling any love for any of the costumes I had, I threw on a bunch of stuff from my closet. YES...all of this was from my own closet..just refashioned into a gypsy costume!

A week ago Ella and I went around and put little letters in ALL of our neighbors that we would be having a party and would have 15 to 20 kids who would be trick or treating. We let them know if they left their lights on we would stop and if they turned off their lights we would just pass right on by their house. We ended up with 10-12 neighbors who helped us with our trick or treating. The kids loved running up to the houses and yelling trick or treat. I think the neighbors were just as excited as the kids. It was super fun to watch all the kids. They were so excited. Of course all of the moms and dads walked along with us...instead of bags we had solo cups!

After trick or treating we headed back to the house for the pinata and bobbing for apples. The kids love this as much as the trick or treating. It is always funny when the girls are bobbing for apples, because of their make-up and hair. This year, Zoey was the first one to ask Rylinn to hold her hair back. A few of us moms were laughing because we are already imagining them asking each other this after a night out (of course that will be when they turn 21!!!)

Koala and Gypsy...Oma made Ella's Koala costume, just like she use to make Amy and mine. And just like we use to...she fell asleep in her new pajama outfit! Me...well I literally started searching my costumes 20 minutes before the party. Since I was not feeling any love for any of the costumes I had, I threw on a bunch of stuff from my closet. YES...all of this was from my own closet..just refashioned into a gypsy costume!

A week ago Ella and I went around and put little letters in ALL of our neighbors that we would be having a party and would have 15 to 20 kids who would be trick or treating. We let them know if they left their lights on we would stop and if they turned off their lights we would just pass right on by their house. We ended up with 10-12 neighbors who helped us with our trick or treating. The kids loved running up to the houses and yelling trick or treat. I think the neighbors were just as excited as the kids. It was super fun to watch all the kids. They were so excited. Of course all of the moms and dads walked along with us...instead of bags we had solo cups!

After trick or treating we headed back to the house for the pinata and bobbing for apples. The kids love this as much as the trick or treating. It is always funny when the girls are bobbing for apples, because of their make-up and hair. This year, Zoey was the first one to ask Rylinn to hold her hair back. A few of us moms were laughing because we are already imagining them asking each other this after a night out (of course that will be when they turn 21!!!)

Halloween is done and now it is time to start thinking about the Christmas Cookie Decorating Party! Another fun and traditional time for the kids and the parents!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
My babysitter (actually Ella's babysitter) wanted a tutu for spirit days at the high school. So she asked if I could make her a tutu in exchange for babysitting. Sounded like a great trade to me.

Kayla and i headed of to Walmart to but all of the supplies. 9 yards of high school purple tulle, gold sequins, and yellow ribbon. First, I cut the tulle into 26 inch long sections.

Next, I cut them into 4 inch wide strips. I don't know how many strips I ended up with...but it was a lot. I measured Kayla's waist (30.5 inches) and cut the yellow ribbon 16 inches longer than her waist measurement. I put a knot at each end of the ribbon leaving an 8 inch tail on each side.

Then, I layered 8 piece of tulle together and fold them in half. Once the strips were folded in half I looped them onto the ribbon starting at one knot and worked my way to the other knot. The final step was to whip stitch the gold sequins trim around the waist (I covered up the knots of the tulle with the sequins).

Kayla and i headed of to Walmart to but all of the supplies. 9 yards of high school purple tulle, gold sequins, and yellow ribbon. First, I cut the tulle into 26 inch long sections.
Next, I cut them into 4 inch wide strips. I don't know how many strips I ended up with...but it was a lot. I measured Kayla's waist (30.5 inches) and cut the yellow ribbon 16 inches longer than her waist measurement. I put a knot at each end of the ribbon leaving an 8 inch tail on each side.
Then, I layered 8 piece of tulle together and fold them in half. Once the strips were folded in half I looped them onto the ribbon starting at one knot and worked my way to the other knot. The final step was to whip stitch the gold sequins trim around the waist (I covered up the knots of the tulle with the sequins).
Then it was time to deliver it to Kayla...she loved it! Can't wait to see her at the Golden Shovel game tomorrow night. And...I already have Kayla booked for the day of the 5th...BEERFEST!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ok, so when all else fails try try again right...
Here are the super yummy JUMBO Peanut Butter Cups I made!

And just because I thought it would be fun to try...I whipped up about a half dozen Peanut Butter Truffles covered in peanuts! Also super yummy.

I just might have to make a few more batches of these for the Halloween Party or the next book club.
Here are the super yummy JUMBO Peanut Butter Cups I made!
And just because I thought it would be fun to try...I whipped up about a half dozen Peanut Butter Truffles covered in peanuts! Also super yummy.
I just might have to make a few more batches of these for the Halloween Party or the next book club.
So I am a blog stalker!!! There are a few blogs that I visit on a regular basis, because something has caught my interested and I keep going back to see what is new.
One blog I found last year is about this adorable family from the Phoenix area (I live 200s miles from there). She is a teacher (I am a teacher) and has 2 adorable kids (I have one adorable kid). She likes food and friends (I host fake book club, so my girlfriends and I can eat and laugh). She likes crafts and thrift stores (me too)! I found her by accident when she linked a recipe for homemade peanut butter cups. Well I saved her blog and have checked in to see what new ideas she has. Sadly, the peanut butter cups got pushed to the back of my list of things I must try to do.
Well....here is the start of the ironic part...since this week is Fall Break, I decided to make those peanut butter cups. Amy decided she needed to get another tattoo...3 birds sitting on a branch. While we were at the tattoo parlor I told her about this blog and the girl...because she got a tattoo with 3 birds. Still not the ironic part...Saturday, I am having mimosas with Trish at Makai cafe. Love that place and love being with my friend. Well....this group of people come down to eat. I tell Trish, that girl looks familar. Then I saw the kids...it was her Jenni from the The Roseland Family Blog...seriously!!!! I was freaking out telling Trish...hey, I kinda know that gal. She convinced me I should go over and say hi. It took me 1 more mimosa, but I did. It was sorta my celebrity sighting for the summer.
I was sure she thought I was nuts. Now here is the ironic part...before I sat down to do my blog on the peanut butter cups and my Jenni sighting, I checked the blogs I follow..guess what I read her blog this morning and she talked about our meeting at Makai cafe...I know I am a dork, but it was cool.
Anyway I finally made the peanut butter cups and some peanut butter truffles! And of course I can't get the blog to work correctly for me...so I can't post pictures! :(
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
This past weekend Aquapolooza hit Lake Havasu City...what is that you might ask. A country concert on the water! The headliner was Craig Morgan...Redneck Yacht Club singer...and that was just what this AWESOME day was!!!! Nate and Amy launched the boat and were able to get us a front row spot for the PARTY!! It was a great time. Thanks Nate and Brian for being such great "grown-ups" and thanks Amy for being my "partner in crime"

Hanging out in the water! This is where we spend most of the day...just floating on the paddleboards, life vests, or floaties!
We used the paddleboards as our transportation to and from the beach and the boat. Marley loved it.
Craig Morgan singing to the crowd!
The view from the beach out to the lake. The crowd was great and everyone was super nice!
Yep...that is us on the boat!
Monday, September 5, 2011
First Game!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Go Chiefs!
Ella has started cheerleading this fall. She has been asking to do it for a few years, but I have been resistant (I know...I was a cheerleader, so why would I put up a fight). She is loving it...me not the 2 weeks of practice every night. Now that HELL weeks are done, we are down to 2 practices a week. Ella is doing really well...she doesn't like it when I try to help her :) Oh well, she will just have to get use to it. She goes to cheer camp this weekend and will be gone ALL WEEKEND! I am not sure if I am ready for it...the camp is in Kingman, so she is going to be FAR away from home. Luckily one of the coaches is a family friend!!! I will post pictures soon of my little cheerleader!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
First Day of School
It is hard to believe but summer is over and Ella and I are already back in school. This is a little late...but late is better than never. Pictures from the first day of school.
Mommy and Ella self portrait...hard to get a picture of the 2 of us since it is only the 2 of us.

My big 3rd grader! She was super excited to get to go back to school and even more excited that she was going to be in Mrs. Porosky's class. Love the outfit she picked out for the first day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Summer Science
Summertime always brings about boredom for Ella...especially when the temperature reaches 120 and it is too hot to go outside. Today happens to be one of those days.

Both of her hypothesis was correct!
Today Ella tried a science experiment about surface area...which she does not understand, so she thinks it is just about how many drops of water fit on a coin. The teacher in me had her create a question and hypothesis before starting her experiment.
Question: Which coin will hold the most water?
Hypothesis: I think the nickle will hold the most. (She told me it was because it is the thickest of the coins)
Experiment time:
Results: The nickle held 15 drops. # more than the penny and quarter and 9 more than the dime. (She was super excited that her hypothesis was correct)
Ella was not satisfied with just one experiment, so she found the turkey baster and tried the experiment again.
Hypothesis: She thought that the quarter would hold more this time because it was bigger.
This time it was a bit harder because the water was coming out on its own.
Results: The quarter held 7 drops and the rest only held 3.
Both of her hypothesis was correct!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
International Traveler
Yes, that is me...I went to CHINA! In September I got an email at school about at trip to China for $999. Sounded to good to be true and I thought it was junk mail, so I deleted it. My teammate, Amy, however, did not delete it. I am so glad she did not delete it. We started talking about going to China. It started off as a joke, but the more we talked the more it became a reality. By Christmas I had paid for my trip...I was going to China!
It was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so happy that I did it. I was a little scared when 2 weeks before I was set to leave, I still did not have my ticket. After some phone calls and an email I was able to get confirmation about my flights...I was happy. A short flight to San Francisco and then a really long (12 hours) flight to China. Thank you family for my Nook, and thank you PA Lisa for the motion sickness medicine...it was an enjoyable flight!
My adventure had started. There is so much I want to share...so I am going to do separate blog posts for each of the days.
It was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so happy that I did it. I was a little scared when 2 weeks before I was set to leave, I still did not have my ticket. After some phone calls and an email I was able to get confirmation about my flights...I was happy. A short flight to San Francisco and then a really long (12 hours) flight to China. Thank you family for my Nook, and thank you PA Lisa for the motion sickness medicine...it was an enjoyable flight!
My adventure had started. There is so much I want to share...so I am going to do separate blog posts for each of the days.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I saved how much????
SOOOO...Dillards and JcPennys had their President's Day Weekend SALES going on. Anyone who knows me, knows I can't resist a bargain. I have always bought my clothes on clearance and ad match and use coupons to grocery shop (don't get behind me in line at Wal-mart)! So the logical part of my brain is saying, "We don't really have the money right now." The illogical...it is a sale part of me is saying, "Come on, there is going to be a great bargain!" Illogical WON!!!! And I SCORED!!!!
First up, Dillards...I ONLY shop there when things are marked 70% off. I found a pair of jeans normally $79, marked down to $29. Not really an extreme deal by bargain shopping, but they fit so great! They are comfortable...the waist is not pinching, they make my booty look great, and they are long enough. Kevin said, "$29 dollars for a pair of jeans that fit, or $19 for a pair you don't like." Enough said to convince me that it was ok. $50 savings at Dillads!
Next stop, JcPennys...I love 80% off. I need some jeans and long sleeves for Bejing (it is 19 degrees right now)! So as we are strolling around, I am not seeing anything that I HAVE TO HAVE! Good right...no, I turned the corner and it was like angels singing! They had ALL, yes ALL of their coats marked down to...drumroll....$15.97! I tried an adorable little tan one on...was not in love with it, but it would be good for China. Found a mirror...that, was a chore to do literally! Not in love...I went back to see if they had it in a longer trench style. No tan one...but a grey and pink one. Do I really need 2 jackets? God I love my husband, "Will you wear them? You can get 2 for the price of our lunch today." Then I look at the original price...$250! Both jackets were marked down to $15.97 from $250!

We continued to stroll through the store and found a few shirts in the girl's section...2 for Ella and 1 for me for $2.97 each. Ella got 2 new Rusty shirts...I love being able to buy name brands for super cheap. I got an adorable grey 3/4 rushed sleeve with flower appliques...who needs to know that it is a kid's shirt.
The men's section did not have any deals...I looked, really! So it was time to head to the check out. While in the check out, I remembered I had a gift card! I only spent $15.60 for everything! DRUMROLL....my savings at JcPennys was .....$539.14!!!

So, for $38.90 I was able to get all of this at Dillards and JcPennys! For a grand total savings of $589.14! I know I am a dork, but I am SOOOOO EXCITED!

Saturday, February 19, 2011
On the mend!
It has been super windy here in Havasu for the last month and it has been causing havoc with Ella and my allergies. Both of have been stuffy and had headaches. Ella on the other hand has been having a harder time getting over it because she is a kid and doesn't blow her nose, cough anything up, or wash her hands (I know ICK). By the 9th she was complaining of a headache, so we gave her some Tylenol and sent her to bed (yep, nominate us for parents of the year). The next morning she was complaining that not only her head hurt but her side hurt too. In fact, she actually crawled onto the couch and fell back asleep after breakfast. This is really unusual because Ella loves school and hates to miss it. So off to Oma's she went for the day to "relax" (watch TV is what she calls it). She did have a slight fever, but it went away after some medicine. She complained the whole ride home of her head and side, so off for a nap she went went we got home. 3 hours later, she woke up with a fever and more head and side complaints. More medicine and tried to get her to eat something...that didn't happen. Back to bed she went at 7:30. Friday, she says she wants to go to Oma's and watch TV...no fever, but head and side ache...remember PARENTS OF THE YEAR here! Tylenol for the headache and off to school we go. By 9:30 her teacher has sent me a message that she is asleep on her desk and she thinks she has a fever. Oh yes, fever and the head and side are killing her. I call Kevin after I lay her down in the back of my classroom. She is asleep in 5 minutes...my students were perfect angels and loved having 1/2 the lights out and classical music. Kevin came and got her about 11:30 and took her home. She slept the rest of the day and ran a fever from 101 to 103...YEP, we are GREAT parents! Saturday same thing...I couldn't even get her to get dressed. She slept the whole day. Sunday...shower and fresh air (fever was only 102...I know, I know!) By Sunday night it was bad, the fever, the headache, and side ache was too much and she was CRANKY! Kevin has off Monday, so he was going to take her to her pediatrician (they won't even see kids till they have had a fever for 3 days). Pediatrician is full because it is flu season, so off to Troyer Urgent Care. NOT REALLY HAPPY with them...they swab her nose and say..."No, she doesn't have the flu. If she continues to complain take her to the ER." By 3:00 she had a 104.3 fever and Kevin was putting her in a bath (this whole time we are giving her fever medicine and it is not keeping her fever down). I call my dad...who talks to a paramedic...so off to the ER we go. AWESOME experience with everyone in the ER. They were really great with Ella. Anyway...They take a chest X-ray and it shows she has pneumonia. They start and IV and take blood. Find out her white cell count is high....so, now they want to ship her to Las Vegas (we don't have a pediatric unit in Havasu). PANIC...Kevin and I talk, then I call my Dad. Ok, we are going...ambulance ride to Las Vegas is set up and her bed is confirmed at Sunrise Children's Hospital. Kevin packs us some stuff for the trip. We don't know how long we are going to be there. I think he did a pretty good job of packing quickly and with his mind on other things. He remembered my motion sickness medicine...I am riding in the ambulance. I have only left Ella's side to call my dad, Amy (the gal I teach with) and my principal. Oma and Papa come to the hospital and we have talked with Amy and Nate. A friend who works for the ambulance is going to be taking Ella and I, which relieves some of my stress. We make it to Las Vegas by 2 am, and are in the room and all checked in my 2:30. Ella was pretty funny when they were trying to take all her vitals. She was so tired she could barely sit up and do what they asked. Her little eyes kept rolling back. By 3, I have emailed everyone who I needed to email....I had no plans ready for my sub because I was not planning on being in Las Vegas. Now it is time to sleep. I try to sleep on the bed they have for the parents, but I can't. So I crawl into the hospital bed with Ella. Nurse Beth was not even surprised to see me cuddling my baby when she came in throughout the night to take her vitals. At 6, I crawled back to the couch/bed with Kevin. 7 am and it was time for another chest X-ray and the day to start. The first resident says we will be staying overnight...we don't have enough clothes, oh well. Because Ella was diagnosed with pneumonia we are isolated, and everyone who comes in contact with her is suppose to wear a mask and gown....we are "dirty" and it is a children's hospital and the don't want to spread her "germies". By 1, they say we can release her. She needs to take her antibiotic for 9 days and then do a follow up here in Havasu. If any of the symptom return then we should bring her back. By 3:30 we are on the rode back home. Tuesday night was a little rough. She starts throwing up because the medicine is loosening everything up. So when she coughs it comes up. So I slept with her in her bed. (In 36 hours, I have slept in 2 different hospital beds, a gurney in the back on an ambulance, a couch/bed at the hospital, a car, and a twin bed...but only totalling about 7 hours total). Wednesday and Thursday Ella and I take it easy and nap and cuddle. By Thursday afternoon there are glimmers of the normal Ella. Friday she goes to Oma's and mommy goes to work...she was not happy. She wanted me to stay home or she should go to school too. Now it is Saturday, and I am feeling less stress and can see that my baby is getting better!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Day
So Valentine's Day had Ella and I headed to Las Vegas via ambulance, because she has pneumonia and elevated white cell counts. Kevin and my parents followed up behind. Send lots of hugs and kisses this way.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Little Delbert Days
The weather was beautiful and Ella and I had nothing to do, so we headed out to Little Delbert Days. I was worried because we did not make it out as early as I had hoped, but that might have actually been a good thing. Last year, there were really long lines. This year, the longest line was 10 minutes long. And because the lines weren't too bad, Ella was able to ride the mechanical bull this year.

After the bull, it was time to head to the pony rides. This might be the last year she will be able to do these. (insert sad face)

Of course she had to stop at the petting zoo. Ella being Ella had to make sure that each of the animals got 1 piece of the food she got. She is so silly! She loved the bunny and the little piggy, but was not to fond of the llamas!

After the bull, it was time to head to the pony rides. This might be the last year she will be able to do these. (insert sad face)

Next, it was time to conquer the rock climbing wall. She was up that wall like a pro. In fact, she showed up a few of the older boys with her rock climbing skills. And because she had did it so fast, she got to do it twice!

Can't wait for next year!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Polar Bear Ski Run
Saturday was the annual Polar Bear Ski Run here in Havasu. I have thought about doing it for the last couple of years, but I always seem to have something else going on...or I just flake out. This year, a friend from work posted on Facebook that she wanted to do it. so, I figured why not. My sister has been doing it for the last 7 years, and would be swimming this year. The weather was beautiful it was a great day for my first Polar Bear event. I am positive I will be doing it again next year.

Ella was all excited to participate too. She kept walking up to the water and putting her hands and toes in and say, "It's not cold." Of course, when it came time she was a little more scared then she thought. She started walking with us and then stopped and watched us.

Ella did get in and in fact got her head wet...me I was not willing to get my head and ears wet. She was awesome. I was waiting for her with a towel when she got out. This is the shot that ended up on the front page of the newspaper.

This is the group of us who did this. Ella and I are the only ones who are first timers. The rest of them have done this several times.

Ella was all excited to participate too. She kept walking up to the water and putting her hands and toes in and say, "It's not cold." Of course, when it came time she was a little more scared then she thought. She started walking with us and then stopped and watched us.

Ella did get in and in fact got her head wet...me I was not willing to get my head and ears wet. She was awesome. I was waiting for her with a towel when she got out. This is the shot that ended up on the front page of the newspaper.

Since my friend and fellow teacher was one of the reasons that I was even doing this, I had to jump in and swim with her too. I can't believe that I actually did this twice.
Here we are with our patches. I have to find sweatshirts for Ella and I to sew our patches on.

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