Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A new puppy

On Monday we adopted a puppy. He is adorable and is something I have wanted for a very long time. Here is what Ella had to say about our new puppy. She wrote this out on paper and asked me to put it on the blog. Yes, I put the correct spellings in to make it a little easier to understand.

We found a puppy in the humance siady (Humane Society). His name was elves (Elvis). bu he was yun (young) anof (enough) so we could change his name to Tucker. He is 3 months old. He is brown with a white stripe on his face. He also has a black tail. We kind of tot (taught) him to go outside to go to the restroom. We have a box for him to sleep in. He resles (wrestles) with Bear my other dog. His birthday is March 13th. He has two toys. The first toy is a chew toy it is green and looks like a pasafire (pacifier). The secent (second) toy is a bone shapet (shaped) tug toy. He is learning how to yous (use) the doggy door by himself. He alredy (already) went throo (through) the doggy door. Tucker is very rambunchis (rambunctious). He likes to drink a lot of water.

So far things have been going very good with the new puppy. He has only had a couple of accidents in the house. He seems to know to go outside. Bear is okay with him too. He will play with Tucker and when he has had enough he walks away. He will growl at him to let him know to stop when they are playing. We are really lucky...both Bear and Tucker don't bark or whine.

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