On Saturday morning, Ella told me she wanted to make dinner. Okay! She looked through some cookbooks and made her menu: blueberry muffins for an appetizer, ravioli for dinner, and a smoothie for dessert. It took a lot for me not to "help"!
Ella started baking right after we got home from lunch. She pulled everything out to make her blueberry muffins in her easy bake oven. She read the directions and set herself up at the kitchen table and got to work.
It was like she had ants in her pants waiting for daddy to get home so she could start making dinner. This is the first time she has boiled water and had to put the ingredients in all by herself. Normally she tells me it is too hot, but not today.
Ta Da! Dinner is served!
Ella's 2nd favorite thing to eat! 
Smoothie time! Yes, I let her use a sharp knife. She only tried to cut her finger off once. I think my sharp intake of breath freaked her and Kevin out more than anything!
Dessert is ready...."Mom, I think this tastes as good as Keva Juice!" I wonder what will be on the menu for next week?
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