Friday, March 25, 2011

China 2011

China 2011

My video of China! Check it out!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

International Traveler

Yes, that is me...I went to CHINA! In September I got an email at school about at trip to China for $999. Sounded to good to be true and I thought it was junk mail, so I deleted it. My teammate, Amy, however, did not delete it. I am so glad she did not delete it. We started talking about going to China. It started off as a joke, but the more we talked the more it became a reality. By Christmas I had paid for my trip...I was going to China!

It was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so happy that I did it. I was a little scared when 2 weeks before I was set to leave, I still did not have my ticket. After some phone calls and an email I was able to get confirmation about my flights...I was happy. A short flight to San Francisco and then a really long (12 hours) flight to China. Thank you family for my Nook, and thank you PA Lisa for the motion sickness was an enjoyable flight!

My adventure had started. There is so much I want to I am going to do separate blog posts for each of the days.