Saturday was the annual Polar Bear Ski Run here in Havasu. I have thought about doing it for the last couple of years, but I always seem to have something else going on...or I just flake out. This year, a friend from work posted on Facebook that she wanted to do it. so, I figured why not. My sister has been doing it for the last 7 years, and would be swimming this year. The weather was beautiful it was a great day for my first Polar Bear event. I am positive I will be doing it again next year.

Ella was all excited to participate too. She kept walking up to the water and putting her hands and toes in and say, "It's not cold." Of course, when it came time she was a little more scared then she thought. She started walking with us and then stopped and watched us.

Ella did get in and in fact got her head I was not willing to get my head and ears wet. She was awesome. I was waiting for her with a towel when she got out. This is the shot that ended up on the front page of the newspaper.

Since my friend and fellow teacher was one of the reasons that I was even doing this, I had to jump in and swim with her too. I can't believe that I actually did this twice.

Here we are with our patches. I have to find sweatshirts for Ella and I to sew our patches on.

This is the group of us who did this. Ella and I are the only ones who are first timers. The rest of them have done this several times.