Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween Fun

It is hard to beleive, but Ocotber just flew by. Ella was very excited about Halloween this year. She picked out the perfect pumpkin from the grocery store. A few years ago we had a pumpkin patch here in town. That was a fun way to pick out a pumpkin. Maybe next year.

Ella and Daddy carved the pumpkin. She was a little afraid of putting her hand in the pumpkin, but she did it.
She drew the face on a piece of paper and then I copied it onto the pumpkin. Two eyes, a nose, and just 1 tooth.
I think that pumpkins look best when they are all lit up.

She decided months ago that she was going to be a puppy dog. Of course it was not just any puppy dog, it was suppose to be like our neighbor's dog. Well, I did my best.

We went to McCulloch this year and it was very overwhelming. There are just too many people and some of them are not very nice. I don't think that we will go again next year. We did our regular houses too...Oma and Papa's, Amy and Nates, and Mark and Michele.

Another year of successful trick or treating fun!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Student of the Week

Ella was chosen as Student of the Week for her class! Her name was called on Friday afternoon for the whole school to hear and she received a certificate, pencil and a pin. Of course on the way home she had to call Daddy, Papa, and Aunt Amy to let them know. All night she walked around with that pin on, as if it was a badge! Too cute!

Her kindergarten teacher and I are working together as buddy classes. So they come in once a week and do some sort of reading activity with my 5th graders. Both classes are really excited about it. I am sure there will be plenty of funny stories.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

WOW! Things have been so busy, that I have not had a chance to post anything. Ella started kindergarten and has been loving every minute of it. She is doing awesome and is tops in her class. She is a classroom helper, which I think she really enjoys. She even was selected for Principal's lunch for the 1st quarter. Pizza, ice cream, lemonade, and Mrs. Goodwin...what more could she want.

It is fall break right now, and boy I needed some time off. We took Ella to San Diego for a few days. It was the first time she has ever seen the ocean. Of course, she screamed the first time a tiny wave touched her toes. That only lasted for about 3 waves and then she was having a blast. We did dinner in the Gaslamp District at a place called Sloppy Joey's. When it was time to walk back to the train it was just added to our adventure.

The next day we headed out to Sea World...whales, dolphins, and of course wet rides. She has been doing the Shamu Shamu Soak wave since we got home, I think she had fun!

The San Diego Zoo was the last part of our adventure. It was a little disappointing though. Many of the animals were not on display and there was a ton of rude people. Ella still liked seeing the animals.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yeah it is summer!

Summer is finally here! Ella and I have been spending lots of time at home doing craft projects, baking, and cuddling. Today we made a butterfly and a pineapple up-side down cake for Daddy.

She is taking swim lessons and is doing really well. Now that she is swimming in the "deep end" of the pool, she can't put here feet down. I think she is finally getting the hang of it. We are hoping that she will pass the Starfish level this time and be able to move on to Seals next. Today we went to Aunt Amy and Uncle Nate's to go swimming. She had a blast and is already asking when we can go back.

We took her out wake boarding on Monday. She finally was able to get up and go for about 15 feet before she fell down. I don't think she was nearly as excited as the rest of us about it. She is getting pretty close to mastering knee boarding...we just have to get Aunt Amy to pay attention to the buoy!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ok, I have finally done it!

I never thought I would have my own blog page, but I have done it. I thought this would be a great way to keep family and friends up to date with all of the things the Williams family is doing. Since I am pretty new to this, I am sure it will take me a while to get this blog set up just "perfect"!